Very Bad Advice…..
I hope you find this as funny as I do …
You probably know who Jimmy Fallon is, right?
If not, he’s an American late night talk show host and …
He does a weekly segment called “hashtags” where he asks people on Twitter to share a funny or weird story that relates to a #hashtag topic for that week.
Well, one of the more memorable hashtags I saw him do was #BadAdvice and he asked people to tweet about some bad advice they got from somebody in their life.
Here were a few of my favorites.
My dad used to say, “if you have a bad cough, take a laxitive – then you’ll be afraid to cough”
My grandpa once told me not to use my blinker when driving because “it’s no one’s business where you’re going”
A guy at work tried to give me marriage advice, and finished with “trust me, I’ve been married three times.”
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