5 reasons blogging is still relevant in 2022 ~ #5
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5. The infinite nature of niches
It’s highly likely that we’ve all read a blog in the last few weeks (in fact, it’s 100% guaranteed that you are right now).
But elsewhere, whether it was a food blog, product review, a guide to something technical, an opinion piece to make sure you were definitely right to hate that film — the blog is very much a medium we relate to. But it’s so infinite. There’s a blog out there on just about anything. It far surpasses mainstream thoughts and ideas. Whole communities of enthusiasts can be founded around a niche blog. And the best way to find audiences like this is simply to write about what you love. Because if you can demonstrate passion, originality, and an untapped angle, an audience will follow.
Of course, it’s also good to remember that, if you’re so inclined, promoting blog content on social media is relatively inexpensive compared to other things. Use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to create a page for your blog, and then sponsor posts or content to draw in readers.
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